1) This is a nasty, unforgiving sequel that I couldn't get enough of. I'm so used to sequels being generally quite shit and nowhere near as good as the first book in a series but ohhhhh how wrong I was here! THE WICKED KING absolutely blew me away with how sharp and clever and EVILY GOOD it was. I am still shocked and its been more than two months since I finished it!
2) I'm so mad that I read this book approximately 11 months before the third and last book comes out aka 10 bloody million light years away! Like I kind of vaguely knew before starting the first book that both the first and second books had evil cliffhangers and now that I've got to WAIT for the third book to come out (so...many...years...away...) I kind of wished I'd waited... (I actually started rereading THE WICKED KING immediately upon getting to the last page which is something I never do and is surely a sign of how terrible it is that I have to wait so f*cking long for the third book AHHHHHH.)
3) My wonderfully wicked and clever and cunning Jude is neck deep up to her ways in this book and oh my god I love her. My Slytherin Queen is Smart™
and CUNNING and level headed and thinking ahead over everything except a certain irritating arsehole with a tail. Carden and his tail (can you tell I'm a bit obsessed with Carden having a tail) do not deserve the glorious Jude and I will die on this hill, especially after what happened at the end of this book...
4) I still hate Taryn and my blood pressure was raised every time she appeared BUT I DO UNDERSTAND HER. She's trying to better herself in the way that she feels she cans and has any control over. I don't like it and still don't care for her, but I get it. Also its pissing me off that everyone sees Taryn as tOtAllY iMmOrAl but drool over Carden and his evil little ways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5) Vivi isn't as cool anymore but I have a grudging admiration for Madoc. I LOVE that instead of screaming at Jude every time he sees her or even like pretends she doesn't exist for getting one up on him, he respects her cunning?? And he understands that he lost to her by underestimating her in the first place??? I looooooved that he was almost proud of her except deep down he'll never forgive her for humiliating him...
B U Y T H I S B O O K :
have you read this series or anything by holly black?? what's the best 'faerie' book you've ever read?? (i need recs to last me until THE QUEEN OF NOTHING comes out...)