Chit-Chat With Lucy Parker On Romance, Writers Block And The Fun Of Research + Giveaway!

Today, I'm so excited to have Lucy Parker on the blog! I disocvered Lucy's books only a few months ago but already she's become one of my favourite romance authors. I had lots of fun coming up with these interview questions and Lucy very kindly answered all of them with such great answers! I'm also giving away an ebook copy of one of her books on twitter so check out the info at the end of the post for more info! Onto the interview!

Hi Lucy, thank you so much for coming on the blog today! Would you mind introducing yourself and your London Celebrities series?

Thank you for having me!
I’m Lucy Parker and I write contemporary romance. Currently, I’m working on my London Celebrities series, which is set in the West End theatres of London. Drama on and off the stage.

What drew you to writing romance and when did you start?

I’ve always loved to write and I was the sort of child who could be found writing in the garden after school. I got into reading romance in my teens, and started writing fanfiction. Always romantic plots! The life-long goal was to have a book published, but it took me quite a long time to really make the push to try to write a full novel. I found it very daunting, but I decided to enter Harlequin’s So You Think You Can Write competition one year and that gave me a much-needed push. I didn’t get anywhere in the competition, but I came out feeling really inspired to keep writing, so I did NaNoWriMo, and that eventually led to having my first book published.

I absolutely adore the theatre setting in your London Celebrities series as I think it's so original, what gave you the inspiration to set your romances there?

I love the theatre. I studied classical drama at university and have worked in the arts field since I graduated. I also have a friend who’s at a high level in professional theatre, who is a great source of information (…and gossip!). Writing the series in a theatre setting came about almost incidentally, though, as I was watching TV one day and I knew that the characters in the show had also had a relationship in real life. They had recently broken up off-screen but had to continue to play a couple on TV, and I remember thinking how very, very awkward that would be. And then how much more awkward it would be in the theatre, where you’re playing the same role every night for months on end. And that was the initial idea that led to the first book in the series, ACT LIKE IT, in which the heroine has to continue acting onstage with (and kissing) her recent ex-boyfriend. A situation that becomes even more complicated when the producers of the show manipulate her into a fake relationship with her other co-star, one of the most widely disliked actors in the West End.

Which book has been the most fun to write in the series so far? And do you have a favourite couple or are they all your favourites??

I think I would have to say ACT LIKE IT! It was the first in the series, and I was so excited about the idea for it. And as I had no expectations whatsoever that it would ever be published, I almost feel like I was writing it just for me, just for fun, no pressure involved. And the hero in ACT LIKE IT was an absolute blast to write. :D

My favourite couple, though — that’s a tricky one! Probably Lily and Luc from PRETTY FACE. They’re the couple who have the most against them in many ways; their relationship has the potential to cause considerable damage to both of their careers. And on paper they sound completely dissimilar; yet for all their differences, including age and professional status, they’re actually very similar people in all the ways that matter. For those two, when they meet, it’s an instance of recognition: this is my person, this is who I could be happy with. And they’re very loyal to each other.

Lily and Luc are my favourite couple too! What would say is the most interesting thing you've done in the name of "research" for any of your books? For example, I imagine researching circus skills for your third book must've been fun!

Yes, I’d say the research for the third book, MAKING UP, has been the most fun so far! I got in contact with a professional aerialist for some hands-on expertise, and I also got to research special effects makeup. And could now have a decent go at some pretty revolting effects, if the need ever arises!

Is there a certain stage when writing that you get by hit writer's block? What are your ways of getting through it?

I periodically get writer’s block at every stage, but it’s the beginning that I usually find most difficult. I find the initial plotting and the first couple of chapters very difficult. Usually I have a turning point around the 10,000 word mark, when I feel like I’ve really got going.

Getting through writer’s block can be very difficult, and I think it depends what’s causing it. If it’s a case of feeling stuck with the story, because you’ve written yourself into a corner or just don’t know what to write next, I would highly recommend talking to a friend or family member about the book. Just over a coffee or a wine, casually chat about the plot, what’s happening with the characters, what needs to happen, what maybe isn’t working. Even if they can’t provide you with answers, just talking it out can help clarify things and you might come up with the solution yourself. You could also talk to people online; fellow writers are usually invaluable support, and they get it!

Another thing to try is writing short little vignettes. Write a kissing scene between your characters, for instance. Not necessarily one that’s going to be in the book (although you might well want to use it) but just a moment-out-of-time scene. It could be set after the ending you haven’t written yet, even, looking forward into the characters’ future. It’ll help build a deeper understanding of your characters and their relationship in your head, and it gets you writing. Sometimes that’s half the battle. Just getting back into the habit of writing.

If you’re just procrastinating because you’re feeling unmotivated (and we all do it!), then you really just have to try to push yourself through. I’d suggest doing some writing sprints to get you going. Set a timer for thirty minutes and say you’re going to write for those thirty minutes and then you can take a break. More often than not, the thirty minutes will fly by and you won’t need that break.

If you’re stuck because you’re really stressed about other things that are going in life, sometimes you do just need a break and I think you have to be kind to yourself about that. If it’s all getting too much, your head is not going to be in a creative space. Self-care. Look after yourself.

I love this advice! Who are a few of your favourite romance authors?

I have so many, but I’ll go with the authors I repeatedly turn to for comfort re-reading, my ultimate pick-me-up books when things are difficult. I love Nalini Singh’s writing in general and her Psy-Changeling series in particular. Brilliant, brilliant world-building, and so romantic. Laura Florand writes romances set in France, featuring chocolatiers and chefs and perfume-makers, and her writing is the most gorgeous, lush, lyrical prose. You’ll feel like you’re there, smelling the flowers and tasting the chocolate. And her heroes are unlike any others. Swoon-worthy. I’m also a big fan of Kresley Cole, both her paranormal and contemporary series.

Obviously as a romance reader as well as a writer you must encounter a lot of cliches and tropes, what are some of your favourite tropes in romance and some tropes you wish would burn and die?

My favourite tropes, probably surprising nobody who’s read my books, LOL: Enemies-to-lovers, opposites-attract, May/December, and the cold or grumpy hero who’s never been in love and has no intention of ever falling in love, who is knocked flat by the heroine.

Burn and die, ha: Infidelity. Secret baby (I’m sorry, I know some people love it! I just can’t.) And books that have a separation between the hero and heroine, where the hero moves on with his life and dates other people, while the heroine pines in solitary celibacy. Can you tell this is a pet peeve? :D

Haha, yessss, I hate those too! Best romance books you've read this year?

Ocean Light by Nalini Singh and Disturbing His Peace by Tessa Bailey.

I'll definitely check these out! Finally, are you able to tell us a little about the next book coming up in the London Celebrities series?

The next book in the series, THE AUSTEN PLAYBOOK, features Freddy Carlton, the very exuberant young actress who was a secondary character in PRETTY FACE. She’s been on the stage since childhood and comes from a long line of professional theatre people. She’s a very sunny, happy-go-lucky person, who looks on the light side of life and work, which drives her serious playwright father crazy. When the book opens, she’s throwing herself into a search for a passion outside acting, and has just signed up to act in a Jane Austen-inspired play. Which leads to a clash with the most feared theatre critic in London, her icy grump of a hero.

Thank you SO much for coming, Lucy, and for giving so much thought to all of my questions!





I'm holding a giveaway of an ebook copy of one of Lucy's books on Twitter! International as long as amazon is ok! More details in giveaway tweet!

have you read any of lucy's books?? favourite romance you've read of the year so far??